Recently, BlackDroog has posted on social media about something he has in the works. We do not know exactly what it is but the evidence is pointing to a major revelation coming soon.
Black Droog & Associates meet with his Attorney.
The first cryptic post was a photo of BlackDroog and two of his associates meeting with his Attorney. His message spoke of a "new venture" but there was no other information. A later post was a photo of BlackDroog discussing something with a local Tailor. Again he didn't leave us with much information saying only, "Making Progress. Announcement coming soon" followed by an emoji of a shirt and bag of money.
BlackDroog meeting with his Tailor.
A few weeks ago BlackDroog also posted an image described as his "New Logo". These posts imply that he may be reviving his Clothing Line previously launched and abandoned in 2011. The new line appears to be named "BLKDRG" based on the image below:
BlackDroog's 2018 Logo
The Original BlackDroog Tee. Launched in 2011
As usual, BlackDroog declined to comment but the mountain of evidence points to a re-launch of the clothing line. For now we will anxiously await his Announcement and start saving our money now. Because, if history tells us anything, it is that any BlackDroog release will be highly coveted and extremely limited so we will have to be ready.
-Dan Suffer, BDNN