BlackDroog Travels Back in Time to Trace His Musical Roots

Nowhere, USA - BlackDroog, The Space Traveling, Beat Making Artist can now add "Time Traveler" to his long list of experiences. As reported in a recent interview with Kelly Tronic, BlackDroog met with a hypnotist to undergo a procedure know as a past life regression therapy in order to discover his roots. Through the past life regression, BlackDroog was able to  mentally connect with all of his previous incarnations to get in touch with his musical history and find a greater appreciation for the art form in general.  When asked to reflect on his journey, BlackDroog simply stated; "It Was Dope."

BlackDroog meeting with Hypnotist

BlackDroog meeting with Hypnotist

BlackDroog's astral journey took him from the New York Hip Hop scene of the 80s to the juke joints of the south and to an ancient African village, among others. BDNN Photographer, Dan Suffer some how managed to capture some of the moments of BlackDroog's journey, although we are unsure how he was physically able to do so. Regardless...we have some of the highlights here. Enjoy! - Staff Writer, BDNN


New Album Release Date

BlackDroog’s “The Pineal Suite” Album Release Date Announced!

The New BlackDroog Album, The Pineal Suite, now has an official release date. The EP features original instrumentals created by BlackDroog using what he described as  "Some alien music that I heard in a dream and  some dope drums".  While the true origins of the so-called "alien music" remain a mystery, we do know that each track was constructed using a piece of the same music creating an enlightening and unique audio visual experience.  When asked about the meaning of the name of the album BlackDroog responded "I recently had some issues during my last visit to the Moon. They kicked me out and I think the process jolted my Third Eye open. This album is pretty much the soundtrack to the process of opening your Third Eye." The space traveling artist explained. "This album will change the way you think about music and the way you look at the world for the rest of your life." He added. If any of BlackDroog's previous work is any indication of what to expect, it sounds like we should be prepared to have your minds blown and our third eyes opened. The album releases on Friday, February 16, 2018 and will be available on Apple Music, Spotify, Napster and Bandcamp. Check out the official Album Artwork below:

BlackDroog - Pineal Suite EP (Cover).jpg